The Documentary Video of Beyond 'HongKong' Rock Band

The Documentary Video of Beyond ‘HongKong’ Rock Band Beyond was a well-known rock band in HongKong that was founded in 1983. All the while, they are trying to reflect in their songs about social issues (声音Sound,别管我 don’t border me), pursuit of dreams (再见理想 Goodbye Dream,...


Sometimes, we tend to hate someone due to the certain reason but while we’re facing the same difficulty, we will stick together and help each other without human intervention. Therefore, I believe that we can gain more sympathetic and understanding between each other during the...

The Art of Romance from Accountants to Accountants …

AN ACCOUNTANT WRITES A LOVE LETTER I will CREDIT you my love, if you will DEBIT me your love. I’ll record our romance in a JOURNAL, And POST it to the LEDGER of my heart. I’ll keep an ACCOUNT of our love, Based on DOUBLE-ENTRY.

90-10 Principle – worth thinking about it!

Something to think about when you start feeling overwhelmed with stress. Author: Stephen Covey Have you read this before? – Discover the 90/10 Principle – It will change your life (at least the way you react to situations). What is this principle? 10% of life...