Top 8 flavour Food to eat in Cambodia – Shawn and Sherene

Our flavor Top 8 Food to eat in Cambodia 2016 First, this is not WHAT TO EAT in Cambodia. Not about eating deep-fried tarantula skinned frog or snacking on boiled duck fetus. It was just our top 8 flavor foods during our Cambodia Trip. About...

TOP 21 Things we do in Cambodia – Shawn and Sherene

Civilization of Cambodia Top 12 – Top 21 with video TOP 12: Catch a Tuk Tuk Tuk Tuk in every road of Cambodia. It is more fun for travellers to catch a Tuk Tuk as compared to other transportation such as cars or buses. Sitting...

TOP 21 Things we do in Cambodia – Shawn and Sherene

Civilization of Cambodia Top 1 – Top 11 with video After our Short Getaway Cameron Highlands on April 2016. The Cambodia “Khmer Civilization” was our next destination. This time, I have changed the way I write the posts. Instead of telling what we do in...

ShawnLiv Short Getaway Cameron Highlands (April 2016) – DAY 3

Day 3 – Cameron Highland – Melaka Breakfast at Hong Kong Restaurant. The restaurant itself is a famous steamboat in Cameron highlands (evening). Overall, it offers a wide selection of foods and menu items at breakfast. After filling up, short walk to Cactus Valley and...

ShawnLiv Short Getaway Cameron Highlands (April 2016) – Day 2

Day 2 – Cameron Highlands Today, we are having a half-day tour of The Mossy Forest of Gunung Brinchang with Eco Cameron Travel Agency. It is highly recommended tour base on tripadvisor reviewers. Bala (the guide) was very punctual with pick up time at our...