1. Do not get yourself into trouble

1. Do not get yourself into trouble
I found this in GenPlace Forum, pretty funny and easy but a bit disgusting.
I found this tips quite interesting to share and it works with any telnet client on any windows version. Enjoy Star War Episode IV ( A New Hope)
Your Lucky and Unlucky Number Tips based on your birth year animals Ox Year 2009
Your Lucky and Unlucky Color Tips based on your birth year animals Dog Year 2018
Your auspicious color tips during Chinese New Year 2009,Ox Year (base on your birth year animal) Don’t Know your birth-year animal? Check it out here Rat Date Color Date Color 立春 25/1/2009 初一26/1/2009 初二27/1/2009 White White Green, shallow blue 初三28/1/2009 初四29/1/2009 初五30/1/2009 Green, shallow blue...