Creative Advertising Around The World Part 2

Here there are more than 10 different Types of Smart Creative Advertising Around The World Part 2 Tangled phone lines are a common sight on the streets of Bangkok, so Procter & Gamble decided to take advantage of how they resembled long strands of tangled...

Yet another 10 Creative Billboards Advertisements

Yet another 10 Creative, Funny, Crazy Billboards Advertisement The billboard is one of the highly successful advertisement strategies. The billboard must have a quick-witted slogan or the very eye-catching image receive people’s attention. Therefore, it must be very creative and attractive in order to send...

Sexy Fashion AD

Quite sexy, fashion and creative advertisement edited with some simple Photoshop effects. Anywhere, Can you see what kind of product they trying to market? As those are scanned images, the quality of the images are not so good.