The Five Elements : Earth, Fire , Water, Metal, Wood Obviously if you are one element type and your partner or children are another type or types, there will e times when you get along and times when you dont’t. Each of the elements has...

The Five Elements : Earth, Fire , Water, Metal, Wood Obviously if you are one element type and your partner or children are another type or types, there will e times when you get along and times when you dont’t. Each of the elements has...
The Four Compass Directions : East, South, East, North The four compass directions are very important in feng shui. Each has its own characteristics and it is important to know them – and in which direction your house faces – to understand what is happening...
Your luck in the year of Earth Ox 2009 (base on your five lucky element) Metal Element Metal element people have a very good luck in 2009. The year of Earth helps the Metal element people. Lucky stars get together and shine together to lit...
Your Lucky Color Tips base on Feng Shui Elements You can use it as a reference for your house decoration or your clothing or anything you want. Bear in mind, those lucky colors is base on what I had studied and it doesn’t 100% guarantee...