For A Healthy You Health is wealth. Wealth is Health. Here are 5 simple health tips to your heart, urinary tract, lung, nose and your brain. 1.Keep your brain performing its best is to sleep for seven to eight hours. Accordingly, sleeping 7 to 8...

For A Healthy You Health is wealth. Wealth is Health. Here are 5 simple health tips to your heart, urinary tract, lung, nose and your brain. 1.Keep your brain performing its best is to sleep for seven to eight hours. Accordingly, sleeping 7 to 8...
Excess sugar causes a variety of problems: 1. High blood pressure Insulin assists in the storage of excess energy as well as magnesium. However, if your cells become resistant to insulin, you can’t store magnesium, which means you lose magnesium via urination. When you can’t...
What if Overconsumption of Carbohydrates Here are just some of the things that result from eating too many refined carbohydrates! Fatigue The most common feature of insulin resistance is that it causes exhaustion. Brain fog Insulin resistance is often metal. The most evident symptom is...
BEST TIMING TO TAKING WATER Best timing to take water, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body Two (02) glasses of water – 30 minutes before meal – Help digestion One (01) glass of water – After waking up – Helps activate internal organs. One...
Short term boosts: Coffee, cigarettes and chocolate A lot of us feel that we can only keep going if we have endless cups of coffee to wake upo our brains, or that cigarettes keep us calm, and chocolate provides the pressure we are lacking when...
Healthy eating – The Top 7 Poisons What’s your poison? How often do you consume the following? 1. Salt 2. Coffee 3. Alcohol 4. Saturated fats – butter, full cream milk, red meat 5. Processed food (those made in a factory) 6. Hydrogenated fats (in...