KETO: Food to Avoid

Food to avoid FRUITSPeaches, Plums, Melons, Citrus VEGETABLESAvoid foods that grow belowe ground such as Carrots, Potatoes. Parsnips, Turnips, Rutabagas.  GRAINS Avoid All DAIRY All reduced-fat or skim products NUTS AND SEEDSChestnuts, Cashews, Pistachio

Eat to combat Stress – Part II

Healthy eating – The Top 7 Poisons What’s your poison? How often do you consume the following? 1. Salt 2. Coffee 3. Alcohol 4. Saturated fats – butter, full cream milk, red meat 5. Processed food (those made in a factory) 6. Hydrogenated fats (in...