Eating too much sugar

Top 5 Problems caused by too much Sugar

Excess sugar causes a variety of problems: 1. High blood pressure Insulin assists in the storage of excess energy as well as magnesium. However, if your cells become resistant to insulin, you can’t store magnesium, which means you lose magnesium via urination. When you can’t...


6 key points for KETO bedtime Do not eat within three hours of bedtime Keep your bedroom cooler than 68°F; the lower the temperature, the better, cooling mattress pad is suggested


KETO Day: Morning

An Ideal Keto Day for Healing and Weight Loss Morning Wake up with the sun, and if you can, go outside and expose as much skin to the sun as possible for twenty minutes within the first two hours of walking. Doing so starts your...


4 Exercises Tips for Burning more FAT

Exercise Tips for Burning more FAT There are some tricks to exercising that increase fat burning 1. Exercise in the morning on an empty stomach Morning exercise burns 300 percent more body fat than exercising at any other time of the day because there is...

10 things you might get from Overconsumption Carbohydrates

What if Overconsumption of Carbohydrates Here are just some of the things that result from eating too many refined carbohydrates! Fatigue The most common feature of insulin resistance is that it causes exhaustion. Brain fog Insulin resistance is often metal. The most evident symptom is...

Good Foods that work overtime

Good Foods to eat! You have probably noticed that some foods fall into more than one of our must-have categories of smart fat, protein, and fiber: Nuts and Seeds: smart fat and fiber Beans and legumes: protein and fiber Eggs: smart fat and protein Fish:...