Individual years of tiger forecast 2010 (Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig)

Highlights Individual Years of Monkey, Roaster, Dog and Pig

MONKEY 1992 1980 1968 1956 1944 1932

Highlights of Monkey of Individual Years
1992 As your relationship with others would not be the best, you may as well spend more time studying.

1980 It is a very busy year for you. You may undertake a new task or a new position. You would also develop some other new interests and hobbies.
1968 Your regular income would be fine. You would lose money if you gamble. Watch out your diet. You may run into problems with food.
1956 Your travel sign would be very dominant. Expand your business outwards. Travel more. You could generate more income with out-of-town work.
1944 Beware of accidents, especially with your limbs. Drive carefully. Consider a blood donation or physical checkup at the beginning of the year.
1932 Pay more attention to your health, especially your hearing and blood pressure. Do some tai chi or qigong

ROOSTER 1993 1981 1969 1957 1945 1933

Highlights of Rooster of Individual Years
1993 Be patient and do not get into physical fights. Try to resolve conflicts with patience and reason.
1981 Both your reputation and wealth would be favorable. Your good people relations may also help your business grow.
1969 Your fame outperforms your wealth. You would better off to be an advisor. Stay humble so as to avoid jealousy.
1957 Your income outperforms your fame. Your financial investments would be favorable.
1945 Your money and social status would improve. But you will have some health issues. Therefore, rest more and exercise well.
1933 Your health issues would be the main concern, especially with the heart and blood pressure. Take your time in everything. Enjoy life.

DOG 1994 1982 1970 1958 1946 1934

Highlights of Dog of Individual Years
1994 Your studies would be good. You may be prone to accidents, especially with your limbs. Do not do exercises that are too vigorous.
1982 Be conservative in your investments. You may run into problems with relations. Do not push it too hard.
1970 Be careful when dealing with your friends. Do not lend or borrow money. Do not overly rely on other people.
1958 Your work would be smooth, even with a chance for promotion. However, your personal relations would only be so-so.
1946 Beware of inter-people relations, especially with the younger folks. You should do more spiritual work and endeavors.
1934 You would be prone to accidents and bleeding, even surgery. Take your time when working.

PIG 1995 1983 1971 1959 1947 1935

Highlights of Snake of Individual Years
1995 A normal year for you. Being peaceful would be a good thing.
1983 You may get promoted, both position and money. Your relations are stable. If you are not yet married, delay it first.
1971 Your reputation is higher than your income. If you were in the entertainment business, you would do very well.
1959 Take care your reputation rather than monetary. Beware of people conflicts.
1947 Be careful about people relations. If you are married, you tend to argue with your spouse a lot. However, if you were in a business that requires talking, you would do very well.
1935 You tend to argue with people easily. Be patient with people working with you. Stay healthy.

2 thoughts on “Individual years of tiger forecast 2010 (Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig)

  1. Hi,

    I am born in the year of Monkey in 1968.

    -Which day is the best day for me to start work on this coming
    metal tiger lunar new year ??

    Thank you.

    Kind regards,


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