(March 2020) Malaysia citizenship renunciation – Withdrawing EPF

KWSP – Leaving The Country

After a long wait, my EPF funds are successfully transferred to my OCBC bank account. And, I am pleased to share with you how I withdraw my EPF in KWSP Johor Bahru 2020. The reason I specific KWSP JB branch as different branches might work differently. Meanwhile, post regarding Renounce Malaysian Citizenship In Singapore 2019 can click here! 

1 March 2020
First, update my passport number into my OCBC bank account but fail to proceed as I didn’t bring my original Certificate of Singapore Citizenship. Then, I do it the following week. To sum up, you need to bring original copies of
1. Certificate of Singapore Citizenship
2. Passport
3. Borang K
4. Singapore NRIC
Updating of OCBC bank account information will take 3 working days.

Before heading to KWSP, What to bring
1. Borang Pengeluaran KWSP 9K (AHL)
2. Singapore passport
3. Singapore passport photocopy
4. Borang K
5. Borang K photocopy
*This is for ex-citizen, for others kindly refer to their checklist.

15 March 2020 – KWSP Johor Bahru
1. Fill out the form (Pindaan Rekod Ahli) given by the officer.
– To update your Singapore passport number and Singapore NRIC number.
2. After filling up the form, the queue number will be given.
3. Next, Submit all the documents as stated above and the original copies will be returned afterward.
4. Last, you will receive two receipts as shown below.

Receipt #1 – Account Update

Receipt #2 –  EPF Withdraw

All in all, settled within 45 minutes.
3 Days later Malaysia Movement Control Order.
30 May 2020 – Passport number updated. You can check through their app or KWSP website.
23 June 2020 – Funds Received and KWSP account deactivate.

Please always refer to KWSP website as it may change from time to time.

If you have any questions, comment below.

40 thoughts on “(March 2020) Malaysia citizenship renunciation – Withdrawing EPF

  1. HI, can i check with you if the OCBC is your account in Malaysia or Singapore? Do they have the option to allow me to transfer to another person in Malaysia?

    1. Sorry for late reply. I’m using Malaysia OCBC account. As far as I know, you cant transfer to another person in Malaysia as it will base on your passport number.
      There are 3 mode of payment in the form. 1/ direct banking, 2. Banker’s Cheque and 3.Foreign Demand Draft. If you dont have malaysia accpunt you might opt for option 3 in section C of Form KWSP 9K (AHL)

  2. Hi, you are so lucky just done everything before the movement control order. I am stuck at this part and i have yet to receive email from Malaysia High Comm for collection of Form K. Is it a must to go to KWSP counter personally for the withdrawal process as of now are restricted to go back Malaysia. Is it possible to do it online? Thanks.

      1. Hi Shawn Liv, do you have any property in Malaysia before you converted to Singapore citizenship ?
        Other question ,we are still able to update all our details in Malaysia bank even though we already do not have any original IC on hand after renunciation was made ?

        1. I dont have any property in Malaysia. Yes, we still able to update our details base on our Singapore Citizenship certificate, original K-form and etc

  3. Hi, can I check with you, do we need to go to bank in Malaysia to update the particular or can do by email with form submission? thanks

    1. For that moment, we have to go to bank in Malaysia with the 4 documents as stated above to update our particular (It was before Covid19). And, now I think you better email to your bank for advise.

  4. Hi there, I miss the chance in going to JB KWSP before convic 19, is there a way to claim our EPF during C19?

  5. Hi Shawn, i have 2 questions:
    1) Where can I obtain Form KWSP 9K (AHL)?
    2) I have CIMB savings acc in Malaysia. Since I have converted to Singaporean citizenship, can I continue to hold the RM savings account in Malaysia?


  6. Hi Shawn,

    Thanks for your sharing. May I know when you applied for withdrawal, was it after getting the official letter of renunciation (was told 8 months after the renunciation) or just after the renunciation where a pc of paper was given to show the renunciation?

    Thanks in advance!


  7. Hi shawn

    Thank you for your very useful website. Is there are requirement or time period to withdraw my epf after conversion to sg citizenship? Are we allowed to keep our epf and withdraw later ?

    1. Hey, David. Thank you for your compliment. Basically, you can keep your EPF to earn higher interest instead of transfer to your bank. I have a few friends doing that. For the moment, there is no time period.

  8. Hi Shawn, Good day! May I check with you whether the foreign demand draft is crossed and include such detail of the beneficiary’s bank account detail (in addition to beneficiary’s name)? I asked because in case the draft is lost in postal transmit, my concern is another person with the same name as the beneficiary may cash the draft.

  9. Hi Shawn,

    I called Maybank, they don’t allow me to update my passport number into my Maybank account. Need to go back to the branch where I open account. Can I just photocopy my passbook to EPF without update my passport number?

  10. Hi Shawn,

    Thanks for writing up the guide but is it possible to help let me know in Borong 9K under Citizen, should I indicate Malaysian or Singaporean? Not the KWSP 3 Pindaan form. Thanks

    1. For Borong 9K Q5 is your Citizenship right now. So, just indicate Singaporean. To add on, in Q4.Kategori Ahli, we have to indicated that we are Bekas Warganegara (Ex-Citizen)

  11. Hi there, thanks for the post.
    1) If you withdraw to Malaysia bank account, let’s say 100k, will this 100k be subjected to tax in Malaysia?
    2) If you withdraw and get a foreign bank draft to Singapore, let’s say it now become 33k SGD, will this 33k SGD be subjected to tax in Singapore?

  12. Hi Shawn,

    On the borang 9K,

    Q1- Nombor Ahli. I don’t have any info on this nombor ahli. Where to get this info?

    Q2- Mykad no. To input our old Malaysia IC no?

  13. Hi Shawn,
    Thanks for your post. It’s very helpful for us to withdraw $$ from EPF.

    May I know it is a must to update passport number on local bank account?
    Can I request EPF to issue banker draft and we can just bank in that draft to our local bank, also can?

    1. As we can’t use our IC for verification (we no longer Malaysian), so we have to use our passport no for the verification (according to their website)

  14. For those who converted to Singaporean, you need to go down physically to the various banks in Malaysia to update your status. As long as you have your old passport and IC with your Singapore Citizenship certificate, you can update your status. Call them up before going to JB if you need further clarification.

    I have asked my UOB branch in JB. If you intend to withdraw the full EPF amount, you will need to go to KWSP first with all the relevant documents. You can Google for it as there are plenty of info.

    After you done all your process, KWSP will issue a cheque under your name and you can go to your Malaysia bank account to bank in. It’s that easy. The only thing when you converted your status in your Malaysia bank account, you will be treated as a foreigner which means withdrawal limit will reduced. Please check with your banks for further info.

    It’s best to make at least 1 trip to your bank in JB and also KWSP (it’s just behind Kota Raya) to get full info. Take it as a short makan trip and you can stay at Holiday Inn (not working for them).

    1. Hi DAnny,

      Do we must go to home bank branch (The origin branch open the account) to update the account ?
      Or just any branch will do.

      My home branch is in KL..not sure if I can update my details in JB branch.

      1. Hi Roy,

        You can do it at JB branch. It would be really silly to make a trip to KL just to update the your personal details. Everything is online now. You need to fill up a form of your new details with your authorised signature and they will update for you.

        1. you must go back to your account opening branch. I was treated like a ball by CIMB and kick from branch to branch just to update the damn passport number.

  15. Hi Shawn,

    Do we require the photocopy of the passport to be original certified by the Singapore Embassy, and also for the bank statement I don’t really understand what the checklist meant by original bank statement, can I print out via ebanking or need head to bank to original certify too?

  16. Hi, if I choose to ask KWSP to issue me a Bankers Cheque, will the bank still need to verify my identity during claiming the cheque or I can just fill up my bank account, name and phone number behind and deposit it into the cheque deposit box?

  17. hi Shawn ,
    Did you submit original notary cert to EPF ? As i submit photocopy notary cert, but they want original cert for filing and no return, is it correct to pass them the original notary cert ?

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