Top 3 Secret of Steve Jobs Presentation

You also Can Become a Top Presenter like Steve Jobs

As we know, Steve Jobs is the most captivating communicator on the world stage. If you adopt just some of his techniques, your ideas and presentations will stand out in a sea of mediocrity.

No. 1 – Visualize, Plan and Ideas on Paper/whiteboard

Just like most of the great presenters , they visualize, plan and create ideas on paper (or whiteboards) well before they open the presentation software. Design experts recommend that presenters spend the majority of their time thinking, sketching and scripting. Therefore, do not blindly design the power-point slides only.

No. 2 Tell a Story

Steve like to tell a story in his presentation. For instance, In 1984 when he introduced the Macintosh, Big Blue, IBM represented the villain in his opening story. What you can see is the storytelling principle is applies to every Steve Jobs presentation.

The single most important thing you can do to dramatically improve your presentations is to have a story to tell before you work on your PowerPoint file.

– Cliff Atkinson, Beyond Bullet Points

3. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

There are no bullet points in Steve’s Presentation slides. According to the research, bullet points are the least effective way to deliver important information. Moreover, Researchers have discovered that ideas are much more likely to be remembered if they are presented as pictures instead of words or pictures paired with words.

Here is Good example of Steve Jobs’s slide (Top Picture). What’s the difference? Obviously, no words. Why use words when you’re simply trying to show that the computer is so thin, it fits in an office envelope? Cool Right? So, Limit your words and more visuals. It does take more thought, but you’ll never deliver an Apple worthy presentation if don’t.

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

–Maya Angelou

And Last but not the list is to Keep Practice. Always remember “Practice doesn’t make perfect – Perfect practice makes perfect!”. Ok, Hope you can learn something here in shawnliv-dot-com, cheers ;)

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