雞 Rooster Born in: 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005
Dramatic but a reputable person who works systematically Hardworking, resourceful, talented and confident. Vivacious and popular socially, but may have a tendency to brag insensitively. Outspoken and loves to attract attention. Always take good care of their family and can handle money well.
The Rooster, or Chicken as he is called, is the Don Quixote of the Chinese cycle. The dauntless hero who must look to the earth to survive, he is the most misunderstood and eccentric of all the signs. outwardly, he is the epitome of self-assurance and aggression, but at heart he could be conservative and old-fashioned.
The Rooster-born, especially the men, will be attractive, even dashingly handsome. The princely fowl is radiant and proud of his fine feathers and has an impressive carriage. You don’t find any roosters slouching; they strut about with dignity. Even the shyest member of the Rooster family will cut a neat, trim figure and maintain a special bearing wherever he goes.
There are two distinct type of Roosters. The rapid-firing, extremely talkative ones and the deadly solemn observer types with the X-ray vision. both are equally hard to deal with. The Rooster has many outstanding qualities to crow about. He is sharp, neat, precise, organized, decisive, upright, alert, and most direct. He can also be critical to the point of brutality. Don’t ever ask him his frank, candid opinion–you may never recover from his comments.
He loves to argue and debate, showing how knowledgeable and smart he is, some- times with little regard of the feelings of others. But when his feathers are ruffled in return, he is insufferable. He isn’t cut out to be a diplomat. Situations regarding tact, delicacy and discretion will cramp his style. His way is to go about trying to convert everyone to his way of thinking with a missionary zeal. He shines when he is the center of attraction. Tremendously imposing as a personality, he could well pursue any career that exposes him to the public eye.
The Rooster likes: Hard works, Fresh Air, Neat but Casual, Challenges, Nature and Control.
The Rooster dislikes: Laziness, Weakness, Technology, Illness, Practical Jokes and politics.
Compatible Animals: Dragon, Snake, Ox
Luck rating: Above average
Overall Forecast
- After a year of stable luck, 2010 will be a challenging and exciting year for you
– We advise you to focus on harnessing direct wealth instead of unexpected wealth
– You can also expect to gain direct wealth from overseas sources
– For male single, you are likely meet your other half during the year. He/ She is most likely to come from abroad
– For all who work hard during the year, you will be able to see your efforts pay off
狗 Dog Born in: 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006
Honest , faithful and possessing deep loyalty and responsibility. Can be magnanimous and prosperous, yet also guarded and defensive, never really relaxed despite outer calm. She has a glib tongue, practical and realistic. The Dog is also trustworthy and generous to people and has a deep sense of justice.
This maybe the most likable sign of all in the Chinese cycle. A person born in the year of the Dog is honest, intelligent and straightforward. He has a deep sense of loyalty and a passion for justice and fair play. A dog native is usually animated and attractive and will exude sex appeal. Generally amiable and unpretentious, he will know how to get along with others as he is not too demanding.
The egalitarian dog likes to meet others halfway, is always willing to listen to reason and can be counted on to do his share. For a friend, you must know that whenever you are in trouble, all you have to do is dial D-O-G. For no matter how much he or she complains, scolds, feign indifference, the Dog person cannot ignore a real call for help.
At times, the dog protects the interests of others more avidly than his own. The Dog often sticks to his object of affection no matter how unworthy the person is. You don’t find a dog leaving home just because he discovers that his master has the proverbial feet of clay. He makes allowances for such frailties and will probably stick it out thick or thin.
The Dog likes: Routine, Challenges, Friends, Presents, Travel, Food, Play and Nature
The Dog dislikes: Mistreatment, Fakes, Discomfort, Rudeness, Dishonesty, Hunger and Anger
Compatible Animals: Tiger, Rabbit, Horse
Luck rating: Above average
Overall Forecast
– New opportunties will arise during the year. Sources of the opportunities are likely to be from overseas or out of your job scope
– Success of these opportunities is highly dependent on the individual’s Bazi combination
– You will face greater pressure from your superior during the year
– But do bear in mind that the pressure will enable you to soar to greater heights if you are able to meet your superior’s expectations
豬 Pig born in: 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007
A pig is not as smart as a dog in understanding human thought. It likes sleeping and eating and becomes fat. Thus it usually features laziness and clumsiness. On the positive side, it behaves itself, has no calculation to harm others, and can bring affluence to people. Consequently, pigs were once regarded as wealth.
People born in the Year of the Pig are honest and frank. They have a calm appearance and strong heart, but they lack patience and independence. As they do not like to talk in a roundabout way, they are thought to be unsociable. Luckily, they are tolerant and optimistic, so not until they become your friends can their virtue, advantages and fidelity to friendship be found.
The Pigs likes: Praise, Health, Diets, Teams, Bath, Comfort, Home, Children and Pets.
The Pigs Dislikes: Tiredness, Arguments, Paying Bills, Work, Hunger, Excess, Crime and Concrete.
Compatible Animals: Tiger, Goat, Rabbit
Luck rating: Excellent
Overall Forecast
– 2010 is the year for you to shine
– All your ideas and plans that you have for the past year will be accomplished during the year
– You will find yourself conceiving many great ideas during the year
– You can also expect to fulfill your dreams or even be able to take a short break
– For all unmarried, you will meet your counterpart during the year as romance is in the air
– Enjoy this smooth sailing year ahead!
helo all
Astrology sometimes do work and it can also predict the personality of a person.:-‘
my sister do believe very much in astrology. maybe the stars might have something to do with our futures:;”
i read a lot of atrology stuffs on the internet because i believe so much in astrology,*;