SMART Goals Now it is time to set your goals, select your destination, chart your course, for a definite, and successful future. If haven’t set goals for yourself before, there is an excellent acronym that can help you. The acronym is SMART, and leads you...
Tag: Tips
Latest Updates for Restaurant City Daily Food Quiz
Facebook Restaurant City Tips – Daily Food Quiz – Good Tips to help you to get daily ingredient
Healthy Eating: Breakfast Ideas
Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day in order for you to refuels your body and jump-starts your day For breakfast, you can choose from any sort of egg dish – hard-boiled eggs – omelets – crusltess quiche – bacon
How to Deal with Fear and Worry
Studies have shown that all the things we worry about in life: 87% never happen 7% actually occur 6% you will have some influence over the outcome
The 17 Powerless Phrases you must Remove from Your Vocabulary
People Skills This is a list of some of the most damaging words and phrases you can speak. These phrases appear to say one thing while they in fact reveal the emotions, feeling and prejudices of the speaker. Eliminate them from your own vocabulary because...
The 12 Most Powerful Words You Can Use
The 12 Most Powerful Words You Can Use A study at the University of California shoed the most persuasive words in spoken language are: