How to Say “Thank you” 1. Say your thanks clearly and distinctly. By speaking plainly you leave no doubt in the person’s mind that you mean your thanks. Be glad you’re saying it. When others over hear you giving thanks, t amplifiers its effectiveness. 2....
Tag: Tips
The 5 Golden Rules for Listening
People Skills For Life 1. Use ‘Active listening’ ‘Active listening’ is a remarkable way of encouring others to keep talking and to be sure you understand what hey are saying to you. To use ‘active listening’ you simply paraphrase what a person says and feed...
5 Steps for Planning Action
Work Life Balance The key to implementing good intentions is to create and follow an action plan for work and life. Identify your objectives, clarify your goals, discuss your plans with those will be involved in them, and set yourself achievable targets.
Top 3 Tips to Living Healthy
1. Eating Well Hippocrates, the father of medicine, wrote, ‘ Let your food be your medicine, and let your medicine be your food.’ Male sure that you make healthy choices about your diet.
Top 5 Time-Setting Tips For Work
Using Time Efficiently Sometimes a poor work-life balance is a symptom of poor time management. Realize that time is your most valuable resource. There are habits you can develop to help you use your time more effectively at work and improve your productivity. 1. Monitor...
Perform Well Under Stress
The ability to perform under pressure is a key element in the difference between a nightmare and a dream come true. Know what underpins your best performance and what get its way is crucial.